| Title | Category | Region |
Greencastle Maritime Museum (Donegal)
This good practice provides strong examples of identification of potential historical sites, market research and marketing. GMM is a community-run Maritime Museum
funded by POBAL community...
| Artefact Collection | Donegal |
Fanad Lighthouse (Donegal)
This good practice provides for a historical building that is a key visitor attraction in the region, boasting a strong example of stakeholder involvement and business case development. Fanad...
| Stakeholder Involvement | Donegal |
Fort Dunree Military Museum (Donegal)
This good practice provides
an excellent example of identification of potential historical sites and
developing a business case. Fort Dunree Military Museum is situated in
| Business Case Development | Donegal |
St. James Fortress (Funchal)
This site is a prime example of good stakeholder involvement and development of a business case. St. James Fortress is an urban fort of military-style architecture influence
located in...
| Stakeholder Involvement | Madeira |
CEHA: Atlantic History Library Study Centre (Funchal)
This good practice is geared
toward identifying potential historical sites as well as market research and stakeholder
involvement. The Atlantic History Library Study Centre (Centro de...
| Stakeholder Involvement | Madeira |
Explore Devon Website (Devon)
This good practice provides a key example of successful marketing in the region. The explore Devon website (https://www.exploredevon.info/) enables residents of and visitors to the region to...
| Marketing | Devon |
Historic Environment Record & Environment Viewer (Devon)
This good practice provides
a key method of identifying potential historical sites that can be
promoted. The Devon...
| Site Identification | Devon |
Museums Group Website (Devon)
This good practice provides a key example of marketing and identification of potential historical sites. Devon's museums can be located by town/place or on a map. Their collections, themed...
| Site Identification | Devon |
Fuerte de San Martin (Cantabria)
This good practice provides
an example of identifying potential historical sites. The site is one of
the best representations of the network of Forts in the village of...
| Site Identification | Cantabria |
Fuerte De San Carlos (Cantabria)
This good practice demonstrates important work in historical site identification, with strong links to the Spanish Armada. It was built in 1668 on the so-called Castle of the Torrecilla, which...
| Site Identification | Cantabria |